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Make Gnome Look Like Unity in Ubuntu 18.04

If like me you switched to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and had a small heart attack, well this article is for you. In this article we will try to get Gnome to resemble more the Unity interface. Here's what we will achieve:

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How to Easily Switch Namespaces in Kubernetes

What if instead of writing insanely long commands in the terminal to find out the namespace we're working on, there would be a command for it? Let's say kubens? With bash completion? Of course.

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Copying Data to a Specific Jenkins Node During Stage

Let's assume that during the build, you need to archive some data on a specific node. Yes, you could just rsync to it and post data, but if you already have a Jenkins agent running there, maybe there's a simpler way.

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Install ManageIQ Into Your Local Kubernetes Cluster

In order to do that, we will start with creating a deployment for it. Fortunately there is already a docker image, so creating the deployment is quite straightforward:

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RAGE - Resource Analysis and Grouping for Eclipse Release

A simple eclipse plugin that allows creating bookmarks and notes, based on the topic you want fixed. Simply add the plugin into your eclipse/plugins folder, then open the view using the Eclipse menu: Window > Show View > Other, and pick RAGE from the list.

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In the Era of Automation

Did you know that if at work you waste 10 minutes each day, for doing some mundane repetitive task, at the end of a working year you would have wasted roughly one full working week?

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Getting Started with Germanium III

The 3rd part of our 3 part series in which we'll explore how to get started in using germanium. We'll assume the only thing you have is python and a browser, and we'll go from writing the first test, to integrating the test suite in a CI/CD system, in our case Jenkins.

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Getting Started with Germanium II

The 2nd part of our 3 part series in which we'll explore how to get started in using germanium. We'll assume the only thing you have is python and a browser, and we'll go from writing the first test, to integrating the test suite in a CI/CD system, in our case Jenkins.

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Using Git Feature Branches in MoPyX

In GermaniumHQ we use git branches and tags for everything. From research, to development, to test, to the actual release. Why? Let me show you how this worked in case of MoPyX - the Python Reactive UI API.

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Comparing Selenium Page Objects with the Selenium API

I have reviewed the Selenium Page Object Model and determined it is no better than the Germanium API in terms of abstracting away low-level locator actions like finding and clicking elements. POM provides no improvement to simplifying the locator strings for the Selenium strategies it uses: xpath, css.

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