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Tagged: vim

Vim Auto-Formatting for Asciidoc and Markdown

When writing a Markdown file, or an Asciidoc, you might want to use the vim formatter, to do automatic text wraps. You type gq to call the formatter, and the text splits and wraps correctly. Oh, wait a minute, now all the lists are broken. Now what?

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Moving to Vundle From Pathogen in Vim

Since 2014 I was using Pathogen to manage my Vim plugins. This Tuesday (19th of March, 2019), after a lot of deliberation I finally moved to Vundle. I couldn't be happier.

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Writing Better With Vim

How are we to write better quality texts, faster? The spectrum of assistant programs that aid us in writing texts has increased dramatically. From Word itself that has an outstanding grammar checker bundled in, to grammarly, or more into the command line tools diction and vim, the choices seem endless. Since my focus is using the same writing tool for everything, I settled on Vim, and I use only 2 settings.

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Assigning a Function on File Type in Vim

Ok, we have now a new function with our own code in vim. We can manually trigger it when opening a buffer. Let's make this function automatically be called whenever opening a file, and fiddle with file types.

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Creating a Command in Vim

I love vim. And one of the reasons that makes it so appealing is customization. One of the coolest things is the ability to create functions. You bind the functions to commands, and you simply call the commands for the execution.

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Navigating Structured Code With CTags

As we discussed last time, we have the basic commands for searching around random files. Before dwelling into IDEs, for files that have a more esoteric language, CTags is the answer.

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Vim Ultimate Editing: Version Your Vim Configuration

This is the last article from the Vim Ultimate Editing series. We looked at what makes Vim (in my case neovim) the best editor out there. We’ve analyzed the console support, the awesome UltiSnips, and today we’re looking at having the configuration as a git repository.

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Vim Ultimate Editing: UltiSnips

We continue today our learning about what makes Vim the ultimate editor. To reiterate, we have three reasons that we were analyzing: First, we looked at the console support. Now, we're looking at UltiSnips, and in the next article, we shall look at the configuration that's checkoutable.

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Vim Ultimate Editing: Multiple File Types

As I mentioned in my previous article, were multiple reasons why I chose Vim over Sublime. I wanted to focus on UltiSnips, but I realized that some ground work needs to be set first. So as the title implies, we're looking today at Vim and multiple file types.

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