• +43 660 1453541
  • contact@germaniumhq.com

About Us

We are a young in spirit and ideas, international team of developers based in the awesome city of Vienna. We develop some pretty crazy document composition software during the day.

We are trying to make not only that integration web testing becomes less painful, but it's also fun.

We're proud of Germanium, and we think you should try it.


  • Bogdan Mustiata Germanium Founder

    Let's fix testing. No, seriously. When I'm not fixing bugs, I am developing the best tools I can, for fixing more bugs.

  • Christopher Prengel Germanium Advisor & Core Tester

    First level tester of Germanium. Even on pre-alfa not yet fully developed Germanium revisions.

  • Michal Oravec Core Tester & API Reviewer

    Firt level tester of Germanium. Making the Germanium testing API from cool to awesome.