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Tagged: automated-test

Germanium Selector Builder Chrome Plugin Is Now Available

After a lot of work, the Germanium Selector Builder Chrome Plugin is finally completed. It's now available on the Chrome Store as both a Free and a Pro Version.

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Python Unit Testing

Python has bundled into it a rather decent testing framework, that resembles a lot JUnit, named unittest. This is packaged in the core python, and it's simple to use. While I'm a big fan of Behave, sometimes, especially if testing low-level APIs, it's less verbose to just write a core python unit test. In this article we explore how to create our first test.

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pa11y Accessibility Testing With Docker and Jenkins

Testing a website for accessibility might prove challenging. Fortunately with the advent of some opensource tools, it's easier to test for problems, but automating this is a challenge. In this article we'll explore how to setup a Jenkins pipeline that runs pa11y - a popular opensource accessibility checker - inside a docker container.

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Garbage In, Garbage Out

One of the most time consuming things for this website, was cleaning up the tags. They used to be an unorganized mess, and I was adding new ones as I was writing new articles. A lot of the tags had a single article. Some were misspells of an existing tag. A strangely disconnected cloud of tags existed, and wasn’t exactly clear what connected where. At some point I just realized this has got to stop.

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Getting Started with Germanium III

The 3rd part of our 3 part series in which we'll explore how to get started in using germanium. We'll assume the only thing you have is python and a browser, and we'll go from writing the first test, to integrating the test suite in a CI/CD system, in our case Jenkins.

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Getting Started with Germanium II

The 2nd part of our 3 part series in which we'll explore how to get started in using germanium. We'll assume the only thing you have is python and a browser, and we'll go from writing the first test, to integrating the test suite in a CI/CD system, in our case Jenkins.

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Getting Started With Germanium I

In this 3 part series we'll explore how to get started in using germanium. We'll assume the only thing you have is python and a browser, and we'll go from writing the first test, to integrating the test suite in a CI/CD system, in our case Jenkins.

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Integrating Behave Test Results in Jenkins

Behave it's a fantastic BDD testing framework. In case you have no idea what BDD is, it's a way of writing your tests in a human readable fashion (i.e. English), and implement each sentence in code.

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On The Road To Abstraction II

Continuing the previous article with concrete code examples of the ultimate automation achievable in the Germanium stack (Selenium, WebDriver, Germanium, Behave).

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On The Road To Abstraction

Let's talk about the benefits of abstraction and some historical Selenium notes in the context of Selenium and Germanium.

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