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Tagged: development

Creating Python Handlebars Helpers

If you're using handlebars in python, you're probably using pybars3. In handlebars most commands are defined by the language, such as {{if}} or {{each}}. What you need to know is that you can also write your own helper functions to extend the language. Here's how to implement a switch clause:

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Python Unit Testing

Python has bundled into it a rather decent testing framework, that resembles a lot JUnit, named unittest. This is packaged in the core python, and it's simple to use. While I'm a big fan of Behave, sometimes, especially if testing low-level APIs, it's less verbose to just write a core python unit test. In this article we explore how to create our first test.

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Blacklisting Modules for the Linux Kernel

After the fiasco with the previous graphic card, I ordered a new one. Since Linux is Linux, nouveau was picked as the driver instead of the nvidia-drm. Because now we have a race condition: we just need to make sure that nouveau is never loaded first though.

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Embedding Diagrams Into Documentation in AsciiDoctor

AsciiDoctor integrates well with diagram editors that take their input from text, in a seamless way. AsciiArt, GraphViz Dot, and even UML are supported. Here's how to achieve that.

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Using AsciiDoc (AsciiDoctor) for Documenting Everything

As we write things from READMEs, to actual documentation, to this blog, are we to use a unified documentation format? Are Markdown or AsciiDoc the answer? In my opinion yes, and let's see why.

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Try Kubernetes in a Snap in Ubuntu 18.04

If you want to try Kubernetes locally you're in for a lot of trouble. Installing it requires you to deal with changing apt repos, installing docker, installing kubectl and kubeadm, provisioning, installing networking, configuring the keys for cluster access, etc. Fortunately Ubuntu offers an easier way, via snaps.

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Command Line Drawing on SVGs With XSLT 2.0

If we want to post process images, one way to have basic post processing, is to just process the SVG file with XSLT. This is possible, since SVG images are just simple XML files. Let's achieve that.

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Creating WebDriver Browser Instances With Germanium's open_browser()

If you want to open a WebDriver browser instance using Selenium, you need a few steps. The binary driver available is required to be in the PATH, and you need to create a specific configuration object, depending on the browser type, to get the browser instance. In Germanium it's only open_browser("chrome"). Since Germanium is Selenium, how is that working?

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Staying Organized With Freeplane (and Scripts)

As the number of blog posts keeps increasing on this blog, organizing and keeping track of all the tags that are available becomes more complicated. Fortunately it involves only a mindmap program, and a small script.

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Writing Software in 2019

As we enter 2019, I am using clouds a lot - the Germanium infrastructure is on Kubernetes, my last project was on AWS, I stopped using Java in my personal projects, and started learning Cobol for work. Here's why.

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