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When It Is Time to Let Go

For the last three weeks I tried to get an eGPU, a Sapphire Radeon RX 580 to be exact, to work. Today’s the day when I’ll stop using anything Radeon, and Kdenlive for the next 10 years. In this quick article I’ll explore why.

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Vim Ultimate Editing: Version Your Vim Configuration

This is the last article from the Vim Ultimate Editing series. We looked at what makes Vim (in my case neovim) the best editor out there. We’ve analyzed the console support, the awesome UltiSnips, and today we’re looking at having the configuration as a git repository.

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Vim Ultimate Editing: UltiSnips

We continue today our learning about what makes Vim the ultimate editor. To reiterate, we have three reasons that we were analyzing: First, we looked at the console support. Now, we're looking at UltiSnips, and in the next article, we shall look at the configuration that's checkoutable.

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Terminal, Byobu and Vim: A Match Made in Heaven

When I had to choose a text editor, four years back it took me about a month to come up with a decision. I wanted to know what is the best text editor, that I am going to use for the rest of my life. This was no trivial undertaking. In the end, I had to choose between Sublime and Vim.

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Automate Your Security

As you might remember, we discussed a while back, that having automation for the mundane tasks would yield a great result in the long run. Let's go a bit more on the most mundane of them all: security.

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In the Era of Automation

Did you know that if at work you waste 10 minutes each day, for doing some mundane repetitive task, at the end of a working year you would have wasted roughly one full working week?

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Comparing Selenium Page Objects with the Selenium API

I have reviewed the Selenium Page Object Model and determined it is no better than the Germanium API in terms of abstracting away low-level locator actions like finding and clicking elements. POM provides no improvement to simplifying the locator strings for the Selenium strategies it uses: xpath, css.

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On The Road To Abstraction II

Continuing the previous article with concrete code examples of the ultimate automation achievable in the Germanium stack (Selenium, WebDriver, Germanium, Behave).

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On The Road To Abstraction

Let's talk about the benefits of abstraction and some historical Selenium notes in the context of Selenium and Germanium.

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Integration Testing Beyond The Surface

When thinking about integration tests, a lot of people think only about the source code of the tests. Of course, seeing tests like that is not only wrong, but also might prove fatal for your testing infrastructure. Let's see why...

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