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Tagged: germanium-api

How to Type Keys Using Germanium

One of the most common interactions in browsers is writing keys. Germanium has a trivially simple API to type keys, that includes shortcut handling, and special keys such as . Here's how:

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Creating WebDriver Browser Instances With Germanium's open_browser()

If you want to open a WebDriver browser instance using Selenium, you need a few steps. The binary driver available is required to be in the PATH, and you need to create a specific configuration object, depending on the browser type, to get the browser instance. In Germanium it's only open_browser("chrome"). Since Germanium is Selenium, how is that working?

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Getting Started with Germanium II

The 2nd part of our 3 part series in which we'll explore how to get started in using germanium. We'll assume the only thing you have is python and a browser, and we'll go from writing the first test, to integrating the test suite in a CI/CD system, in our case Jenkins.

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Getting Started With Germanium I

In this 3 part series we'll explore how to get started in using germanium. We'll assume the only thing you have is python and a browser, and we'll go from writing the first test, to integrating the test suite in a CI/CD system, in our case Jenkins.

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Germanium Selector Builder Alfa Release

After a lot of work over the last year, we're proud to present you the alfa release of our Germanium Selector Builder. Germanium Selector Builder is an application that can generate Selenium selectors with a simple click. It also offers functionality for visualising the matches in the browser, and full Germanium API support.

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On The Road To Abstraction II

Continuing the previous article with concrete code examples of the ultimate automation achievable in the Germanium stack (Selenium, WebDriver, Germanium, Behave).

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Germanium 2.0.8 Release Notes

As usual Germanium gets a driver update, but this time, but here's the other goodies packaged in.

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Germanium Abstract Selectors

Hi, this is Christopher. My first blog, ever, I promise. We will show the present state of the Selenium Page Object Pattern (in Java) and then tear it apart with a simpler Germanium approach that is equivalent but far superior. Tighten your belts: we have work to do.

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Writing Simple Selectors

We all got tired at some point of finding element by XPath, since it's error prone and hard to maintain. A naive approach might be using string constants, but is there another way?

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Managing IFrames With Germanium

IFrames are a feature that is widely used when implementing complex web applications, but it can cause serious problems and confusion when developing automated tests for such an application. Fortunately, Germanium makes also this part easy.

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